terça-feira, 3 de novembro de 2020


É hoje o dia. Mas, neste momento, a América ainda dorme.

Deixo aqui as três primeiras estrofes da canção famosa dos Abba. Sirvam para ilustrar o óbvio: o modelo eleitoral norte-americano não é igual ao europeu continental. Ponto. 

«I don't want to talk / About the things we've gone through / Though it's hurting me / Now it's history / I've played all my cards / And that's what you've done too / Nothing more to say / No more ace to play / / The winner takes it all / The loser standing small / Beside the victory / That's her destiny / / I was in your arms / Thinking I belonged there / I figured it made sense / Building me a fence / Building me a home / Thinking I'd be strong there / But I was a fool / Playing by the rules [...]»

—  The Winner Takes It All , 1999.